How to Create a Project or Quick BOM

Learn how to start your packages by creating a project and BOM. This project will store all of your bill of materials, submittals, quotes or O&M packages.

Step by step: 

1. Within your dashboard, select Create Project.


2. Enter the job details, stakeholder contact information, any date or time deadlines then click Confirm. 


All fields with an asterisk are required. 

Project Stakeholder offers a dropdown selection automatically pulling in the Company Name and Company Contact stored within your Parspec CM.

3. The information will transfer to the project screen. Project Notes (Internal) allows for record keeping and Project Files allows for storing associated documents.  Scroll down to the Bill of Materials section and select Manage BOMs to create your BOM

4.  Once you confirm, you land into the Bill of Materials tab and you can select Import Products to build out your BOM


5. Last step for maintaning accurate data, click back into your project name then within Project Details select the appropriate status amongst the Project Stage options.